The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is an online database that contains most every home, vacant land and commercial property listed by Realtors for sale or lease within a specific area.
Here are some of the advantages of being Flat Fee MLS Listed:
MLS Served | Aiken | Western Upstate | Charleston Trident | Coastal Carolinas | Greater Greenville | Greater Columbia | Piedmont | Pee Dee | Spartanburg | Greenwood | Hilton Head MLS | Sumter MLS | Beaufort MLS | Canopy MLS
Major South Carolina Cities Served | Charleston | Hilton Head | Beaufort | Bluffton | Mount Pleasant | Myrtle Beach | Columbia | Sumter | Aiken | Greenwood | Florence | Greenville | Spartanburg | Rock Hill | Ft. Mill | Lancaster | Simpsonville | Anderson | Summerville | West Ashley